Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Odysseus is a good leader. Melissa Vargas

I believe Odysseus is a good leader because he never let his men down. He set instructions to them and they listened at times. His men were stubborn nd curious. Odysseus thought of the trojan horse idea. This was a trick to the greeks. They celebrated and got drunk,thats when Odysseus and his men killed all the greeks. Odysseus and his man were sailing back home at one point.Aeolus gives them a bag of winds. His men are curious what is in the bag, so Odysseus tells them not to open the bag. His men do not listen to him so they open it and it takes them the other way. The only thing that was wrong was his men.Odysseus was always there for his men. One part in the story was that he and his men when they were sailing they approach the island of the lovely sirens. Odysseus was aware of what was going to happen so he covered his men's ears with beeswax and bind them to the mast of his ship. Sadly, the heads of Scylla swoops down and gobble up 6 of the sailors. This the only time where Odysseus couldn't do anything. Odysseus is a goo leader bacause he knows whats right from wrong and his people look up to him like if he was their father. This is why I think Odysseus is a good leader.

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