Wednesday, March 31, 2010

my town its not worth fighting for M.V.

What my neighborhood looks like, it's really quiet and there is barely no cars that drive around the block. I think my town is not worth fighting for because it's doesn't have anything that is dangerous.My neighborhood has no people who walk around. If something bad happened to our house,then it would be fighting for because we live in it. In my opinion, I don't think we should make things better at home. As long as we are safe,than there would be nothing wrong. My neighborhood is a nice place and very comfortable to live in. It all depends on the person how they are. There are people like that in this world that would do anything for their town to make it safe.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Odysseus is a good leader. Melissa Vargas

I believe Odysseus is a good leader because he never let his men down. He set instructions to them and they listened at times. His men were stubborn nd curious. Odysseus thought of the trojan horse idea. This was a trick to the greeks. They celebrated and got drunk,thats when Odysseus and his men killed all the greeks. Odysseus and his man were sailing back home at one point.Aeolus gives them a bag of winds. His men are curious what is in the bag, so Odysseus tells them not to open the bag. His men do not listen to him so they open it and it takes them the other way. The only thing that was wrong was his men.Odysseus was always there for his men. One part in the story was that he and his men when they were sailing they approach the island of the lovely sirens. Odysseus was aware of what was going to happen so he covered his men's ears with beeswax and bind them to the mast of his ship. Sadly, the heads of Scylla swoops down and gobble up 6 of the sailors. This the only time where Odysseus couldn't do anything. Odysseus is a goo leader bacause he knows whats right from wrong and his people look up to him like if he was their father. This is why I think Odysseus is a good leader.

Poseidon is a powerful competitive man. It was better to stay on his good side or else he will take revenge to those who anger him. He spent eight years punishing Odysseus for blinding the one-eye son cyclops. He caused earthquakes,storms at the sea and throwing gigantic sea monsters in his way. His name meant "husband of the Earth". He was worshipped as a fertility god. Hades drew the underworld, Poseidon won the ocean, and Zeus the heavens, making him the supreme ruler. They all agreed to share the power of the earth but Poseidon had the biggest responsibility. Zeus proved to be an arrogant ruler and everyone was displeased with his performance. Poseidon recruited others to overthrow the government. Poseidon was expeled from his home as punishment He and Apollo were sentenced to one year of manual labor. They had to build the great wall around Troy. The king of Troy had promised to pay the gods with vines of gold when they were done, but he failed and didnt keep his word.Poseidon was really upset so to punish the city he sent a sea monster but it was killed by hercules. Poseidon and Zeus had numerous affairs and a large number of children resulted from their conspiracy.

He usually made an effort to seduce her or by trickery. Poseidon always used his outright physical force to get his way. Poseidon managed to fall in love with Amphitrite when he saw her dancing. He approached her with the same method. She hid herself from him at the bottom of the sea. Poseidon realized that he lost someone special. He looked everywhere for her but he couldn't find her so his friend Delphinus volunteered to find her.

Poseidon is a strong man. He keeps his word he doesn't let anything get in his way. He has his powers to get things the way he wants to. He isn't a guy who lets other feelings or anything to control him. He keeps everything his way.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The bag of wind. Melissa Vargas

Odysseus' encountered with Aeolus and the situation leading up to the accident involving Aeolus's bag of wind, was that Aeolus handed the bag of wind to Odysseus of every other direction but West where their home Ithaca was located. His men, known as the Achaeans had curiousity of what was in the bag. Odysseus told his men not to open up the bag. He didn't give them any reason not to but they wanted to know what was in it. They were close to Ithaca which wasn't far where they were at that time. The Achaeans opended the bag and it blew them far away from Ithaca and pushed them to Aeaea, Circe Island. When they got there, Odysseus asks Circe for the way back to Ithaca. She says he must sail to Hades, the realm of the dead, to speak with the spirit. A couple men were turned into pigs by the witch Circe.

Odysseus and his men are the blame for this incident because they opened the bag when told not to. Odysseus has the blame also because he only told his men not to open the bag and he should of gave them a reason why not to. If Odysseus was more clear, then nothing would of happened. Since they did open the bag, they thought it was important to open it even though they were told not. I say that if they where all in the boat and they all were going home, his demands needed to be said clear and work as one team that their way home could of turned out well. His men need to listen because he is the leader.